Client’s Booking

Book A Class #

Clients can book classes which provide by franchise.

To make a class booking for client, client able to make booking by using Member Application.

After done booking the class, the class will be show on page classification by ‘Today’, ‘Upcoming’ and ‘Completed’ on the Member Application.

Process Flow: #
Make Class Booking Using Member App #
  1. Click ‘Member App’ and login account
  2. Click ‘Class’ button at the bottom
  3. Leads/clients can select the class they prefer
  4. After select the class, you will be able to know for this class credit required for personal and buddies
  5. You can select the date that you prefer
  6. Click ‘Next’ button, the page will show the current credit, required credits and total attendees
  7. You can book the class for yourselves only, buddies only or for both you and your buddies
  8. Click ‘Next’ button will show the booking class summary
  9. Click ‘Confirm Booking’ button, the page will show the result of your booking
  10. After done booking class, the class will be show in the tab ‘My Class’
Start a class Using Member App #
  1. Login member account in the member app
  2. Click ‘Class’ button at the bottom
  3. Click ‘Today’
  4. Select booked class
  5. Click ‘Start’ to check in class
Cancel a class Using Member App #
  1. Login member account in the member app
  2. Click ‘Class’ button at the bottom
  3. Click ‘Upcoming’
  4. Select booked class
  5. Click ‘Cancel’ to cancel the class

Check-In #

Check-In When Attend Class/Personal Training #

Member need to check-in when attend for the class/training.

Member can check-in by using check-in application.

If member is having online class, member need to click ‘Start’ button to check-in the class.

Process Flow: #
Check-In When Arrive Using Member Application #
  1. Login member account in the Member App
  2. Click ‘Class’   button at the bottom
  3. Check the ‘Today’ column and check for the classes
  4. Click ‘Start’ to check in the class

Assign Classes #

Client can book the class session from Member Application; Admin also can assign the class session to the client by using Back Office System.

Process Flow: #
Assign Class Session Using Back Office System #
  1. Login admin account in the Back Office System.
  2. Click “Manage” tab to find the client.
  3. Click “View” button to view client’s profile.
  4. Choose the correct package and click “Edit Sessions” button.
  5. Click “Add Session” button to assign the class to the client.
  6. After you click “Add Session” button, you may fill and select the class name and session datetime to complete the assign class step.

Personal Training Session #

Booking Personal Training Session #

Client able to book the Personal Training session from Member Application. After client booked the Personal Training session, client able to cancel and reschedule within 24 hours before the Personal Training Session date. Once client cancel the Personal Training session, buddy will automatically cancel the session too.

Start the Personal Training appointment, if got buddy together, display the checkbox to tick which person present.

After member start the Personal Training no matter how many people attend after the Personal Training end the appointment status will become complete.

Buddy’s info will store in leads

Process Flow: #
Book Personal Training Session Using Member Application #
  1. Login to the Member App
  2. Click ‘Booking’ tab
  3. Click ‘+’ button to book the Personal Training
  4. Select company, date, time, and trainer for your booking (trainer need to schedule shift)
  5. Click ‘Book’ button once done
Book Personal Training Session Using Back Office System #
  1. Login to the Back Office System
  2. Access to edit session page
  3. Click ‘+’ button to book the Personal Training
  4. Select company, date, time, and trainer
  5. If have invite buddy, please fill in buddy info
  6. Click ‘create’ button once done

Check-In Personal Training Session #

Start the Personal Training appointment by check-in on the Member Application, if got buddy together, display the checkbox to tick which person present.

Process Flow: #
Book Personal Training Session Using Member Application #
  1. Login to the Member App
  2. Click ‘Booking’ tab
  3. Click ‘upcoming’ tab
  4. Select an appointment and click the PERSONAL TRAINING
  5. Click ‘Start’ button for check-in the PERSONAL TRAINING Session
  6. The appointment will be start after you click start and confirm

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