Create Packages

Package #

This tab shows the package which provide by the franchise.

You able add, edit, and view the package.

Process Flow: #
Create Package Using Back Office System #

You need to create the ‘Program Terms’, so that create/add a new package only can be success.

  1. Login admin account in the Back Office System
  2. Click ‘Manage’ on the left side
  3. Select ‘Package’ on the top
  4. Click ‘Add Package’ button on right side
  5. Fill in the package detail accordingly
  6. Click ‘Save’ button after done
  7. The package will be show in the system

** You may view and edit the package.

For the trail package: #
  • After assigning this package to customer, the customer profile still will remain in the lead tab. Unless the customer have more than 1 package, and the package is not trail package.
  • This trail package will show in the member application to let client to sign up for the package.
For the private package: #
  • After assigning this package to customer, the customer profile will show in the client tab.
  • This private package will no show in the member application.
  • This private package only Sales Person or admin can assign to the customer.
For the normal package (untick trail and private at the package details): #
  • After assigning this package to customer, the customer profile will show in the client tab.
  • This package will show in the member application to let client to sign up for the package by themselves.

For your information, if you have assigned the package to the client. Once you edit the package, it won’t affect the package that you had assign.

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