
Settings #

Scheduling #

Overtime #

This setting is able account for overtime for all hourly workers within the organisation.

Can set the overtime by Daily or Weekly.

Timeclock #

This setting is for trainer check-in early or late through Apps

Able set clock-in timer before and after of the accurate time.

This setting also can set clock-out timer after.


  • Earlier Clock-in (time before): 30 minutes
  • Late Clock-in (timer after): 10 minutes
  • Clock-out (timer after): 10 minutes
  • Class duration: 10am – 12pm
  • So, trainer able to check-in the class through Apps around 9.30am – 10.10am, and system will auto check-out through Apps at 12.10pm.
Cancel Timing #

This setting able to set the cancel timing before the class or appointment start.

Branch #

Currency #

This setting to set for the currency that is used in your country.

Others #


This setting is to ensure that employees can only check-in by using company Wi-Fi.

General Setup #

This setting is for the purpose of who need to provide CPR Certificate.

This setting also can set the alert for the CPR Certificate expiring soon and termination process pending signature email alert.

Check-In App #

Account #

This will show the check-in App login details.

QR will be refreshed every 60 seconds automatically.

Configuration Setup #

Setup #

This setting is to setup a default contact email to receive email depending on the type.

Process Flow: #
Create Configuration Setup Using Back Office System #
  1. Login admin account in the Back Office System
  2. Click ‘Setting’ on the left side
  3. Select ‘Setting’ on the top
  4. Click ‘Setup’ button below the Configuration Setup
  5. Click ‘Add Package’ button on right side
  6. Select type of the default contact email
  7. Key in the receiver email
  8. Click ‘Create’, the email will be sent out successfully

Program Terms #

This setting is to create the program terms according to the company.

Is a must to create program terms, so that only able success to create a new package.

Process Flow: #
Create Program Terms Using Back Office System #
  1. Login admin account in the Back Office System
  2. Click ‘Setting’ on the left side
  3. Select ‘Program Terms’ on the top
  4. Click ‘Add Program Terms’ on the right side
  5. Fill in the program terms information accordingly
  6. Click ‘Create’ button after done
Sign Document After Assign A Package To Client Using Sales App #
  1. Login Sales App
  2. Click the ‘Client’ tab and search for the client’s name
  3. Click ‘Overview’ button
  4. Click ‘Documents’ tab
  5. Select the Program Terms which pending sign
  6. Get signature from client and Sales Person
  7. Click the ‘Submit’ button

Legal Document #

This setting is for the document about the terms and liability that will be show during client sign membership with Sales Person and show in document column in the Member App.

Process Flow: #
Create Legal Document Using Back Office System #
  1. Login admin account in the Back Office System
  2. Click ‘Setting’ button on the left side
  3. Click ‘Legal Document’ tab
  4. Click ‘Add Legal Document’
  5. Fill in the information
  6. Click ‘Create’ after done
Sign Document After Assign A Package To Client Using Sales App #
  1. Login Sales App
  2. Click the ‘Client’ tab and search for the client’s name
  3. Click ‘Overview’ button
  4. Click ‘Documents’ tab
  5. Select the Legal Document which pending sign
  6. Get signature from client and Sales Person
  7. Click the ‘Submit’ button

Commission #

This setting is to create different commission plan that suitable for the staff.

Process Flow: #
Create Commission Plan Using Back Office System #
  1. Login admin account in the Back Office System
  2. Click ‘Setting’ on the left side
  3. Select ‘Commission’ on the top
  4. Click ‘Add commission Plan’ on the right side
  5. Fill in the commission information accordingly
  6. Click ‘Save’ button after done

!!! Once the commission plan is created and saved, when click ‘Edit’ button to edit the commission plan, ONLY [Name], [Status] and [Default] can be edited or amended.

To make sure the Sales Person will get the commission, please use the Sales Person account to assign membership/package to the clients.

Sales Material #

This setting is for add/upload any sales item.

After adding and upload it will show in the Sales App.

You can delete the folder or file after you created.

Remuneration Setup #

This setting is to create different remuneration setup for staff.

Able to configure remuneration setup for “session” or “hours”.

Process Flow: #
Create Remuneration Setup Using Back Office System #
  1. Login admin account in the Back Office System
  2. Click ‘Setting’ on the left side
  3. Click ‘Freelance Remuneration Setup’ button
  4. Click ‘Create’ on the right side
  5. Fill in the information of the freelance remuneration
  6. Click ‘Create’ after done
View Freelance Remuneration Setup Using Back Office System #
  1. Login admin account in the Back Office System
  2. Click ‘Setting’ on the left side
  3. Click ‘Freelance Remuneration Setup’ button
  4. You can view the overall the remuneration setup, and can view one by one (click ‘View’ button)
Edit and Delete Freelance Remuneration Setup Using Back Office System #
  1. Login admin account in the Back Office System
  2. Click ‘Setting’ on the left side
  3. Click ‘Freelance Remuneration Setup’ button
  4. Edit/Delete by follow below button
    1. Click ‘Edit’ button to edit the setup
    2. Click ‘Delete’ button to delete the setup

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