Payment Method

Save Credit Card #

Payment Gateway will store credit cards when member purchased a Package successfully with credit card payment method.

Sales able to add credit card information for the member in Sales Application.

Sales able to delete credit card information in Sales Application.

Display error message “Invalid card info” when add invalid credit card information.

Process Flow: #
Save Credit Card Information Using Member Application #
  1. Login member account in the Member App
  2. Register as member
  3. Pay by credit card
    1. Yes, Store credit card information
    2. No, continue step 4
  4. Lead provided the credit card information
    1. No, no credit card saves
    2. Yes, store credit card information and proceed to use the application
Save Credit Card Information Using Back Office System #
  1. Login admin account in Back Office System
  2. Click ‘Manage’ on the left side
  3. Select ‘Clients’ on the top
  4. Select a client profile and click ‘View’ to view client’s profile
  5. Select ‘Cards’ tab
  6. Click ‘Add Credit Card’ button to add a new credit card
  7. Fill in the card details
  8. Click ‘Add Card’ after done

Bank Transfer #

You can use bank transfer to pay for the payment.

When submit bank transfer detail, admin need to check and approve or reject the charge payment via bank transfer.

Process Flow: #
Approve Or Reject Bank Transfer Using Back Office System #
  1. Login admin account in the Back Office System
  2. Click ‘Manage’ on the left side
  3. Select ‘Bank Transfer’ on the top tab
  4. Check payment of the bank transfer
  5. Click ‘Approve or Reject’ button to confirm the payment
  6. After approving the payment, the payment status will change to charge

Cash #

You can use cash to pay for the payment.

Once you choose cash as payment method, after done and click ‘Pay’ button the package will show the status ‘Ongoing’.

Set Payment Default #

You can set the payment method to default so that you can pay direct next time with the same payment method.

First (1st) created card will be default payment card, subsequence created card will be additional card.

Users will be able to change the default payment method.

Ensure the new default payment method is valid to update.

Updating the card to “Default” will not Update payment method for any previous invoices.

Process Flow: #
Set Payment Default Using Back Office System #
  1. Login admin account in the Back Office System
  2. Click ‘Manage’ on the left side
  3. Select ‘Clients’ on the top
  4. Select a client profile
  5. Select card
  6. Pay via card
    1. No, display empty listing
    2. Yes, continue step 7
  7. Set to default
    1. No, remain as usual
    2. Yes, ‘Favorite’ selected card and ‘Unfavorite’ other cards
  8. New card will be set to default
Set Payment Default Using Member Application #
  1. Login member account in Member App
  2. Click ‘Account’ on the bottom right
  3. Click ‘Payment’ button
  4. Click ‘card’ icon button on the top right
  5. Select card
  6. Switch ‘Primary Card’ button to set the card as default
Set Payment Default Using Sales Application #
  1. Login Sales account in Sales App
  2. Click ‘Clients’ on the bottom
  3. Select a client profile and click ‘Overview’ button
  4. Click ‘Card’ tab
  5. Pay via card
    1. No, display empty listing
    2. Yes, continue step 6
  6. Set to default
    1. No, remain as usual
    2. Yes, ‘Enable’ selected card and ‘Disable’ other cards
  7. New card will be set to default

Update a Payment Method #

User will be able to “Update” a payment method after selecting a recurring Package with

  • “Ongoing” status.
  • Package that still has next payment date.

User can update:

  • All payment method to new payment method or
  • Updating previous payment method to new payment method.

Updating payment method will not make “Card” as default method.

The system will send out an email to the member after updating it with a new payment method.

User only able to update the payment from card to card.

Process Flow: #
Update Payment Using Back Office System #
  1. Login admin account in the Back Office System
  2. Click ‘Manage’ on the left side
  3. Select ‘Clients’ on the top
  4. Select a client profile
  5. Select a package
  6. Update payment method
    1. No, no other action need
    2. Yes, continue step 7
  7. Update all payment method
    1. Yes, updated all with new payment method
    2. No, continue step 8
  8. Updated to selected package
    1. Yes, updated selected package with new payment method
    2. No, updated all package that was bind with previous payment method
Update Payment Using Member Application #
  1. Login member account in Member App
  2. Click ‘Account’ on the bottom right
  3. Click ‘Membership’ button
  4. Click ‘Update payment method’ icon
  5. Update payment method
    1. No, no other action need
    2. Yes, continue step 6
  6. Update all payment method
    1. Yes, updated all with new payment method
    2. No, continue step 7
  7. Updated to selected package
    1. Yes, updated selected package with new payment method
    2. No, updated all package that was bind with previous payment method
Update Payment Using Sales Application #
  1. Login Sales account in Sales App
  2. Click ‘Clients’ on the bottom
  3. Select a client profile
  4. Select a package
  5. Update payment method
    1. No, no other action need
    2. Yes, continue step 6
  6. Update all payment method
    1. Yes, updated all with new payment method
    2. No, continue step 7
  7. Updated to selected package
    1. Yes, updated selected package with new payment method
    2. No, updated all package that was bind with previous payment method

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