Payment Status

Payment Process Flow #

Payment process flow that allows admin can proceed to use the system or application and get the ‘Pending’ result when issue occurred during 3rd party payment merchant.

The payment process flow will be enhanced to

  • Step 01: Create an invoice payment.
  • Step 02: Send Request to 3rd party payment merchant.
  • Step 03: Status will change to “Pending” after request has been sent.
  • Step 4:  Status will change to “Success” or “Failed” after 3rd party payment merchant return the result.

Payment Retry #

Retry payment process give users a chance to pay cleared payment before penalizing.

Users will be able to retry payment with same invoice.

Once the retry payment is actioned, the status of the invoice will return to “PROCESSING” instead of “PAST_DUE”.

Retry can only be proceeds on the payment method marked as “Credit Card”.

Payment Cancel #

You can cancel the payment for the specific invoice.

Admin only able to cancel payment invoice for “Unpaid” status package.

After admin cancelled the payment invoice, the package status will change to “Cancelled”.

After the admin cancels the payment invoice, the system will update the cancel status to 3rd party payment merchant.

Process Flow: #
Cancel Payment Using Back Office System #
  1. Login admin account in the Back Office System
  2. Click ‘Manage’ on the left side
  3. Select ‘Clients’ on the top
  4. Select a client profile and click ‘View’ button
  5. Click ‘Package’ tab
  6. Select a package
  7. Check the package status
    1. Paid, ‘Cancel’ button disappear
    2. Unpaid, display ‘Cancel’ button
  8. Click ‘Cancel’ button
  9. Send the request to 3rd party for cancel invoice payment
  10. Get the cancel response from 3rd party
  11. Cancel successful

Payment Refund #

Refund payment process give user to make refund an amount when user have paid too much or terminated Package.

Refunds can only be processed on the transaction marked as “Success” and transaction type marked as “Payment”.

The following refund type that admin able to refund:

Full invoice payment amount: 3rd party will refund the full invoice payment amount to the payment method.

Offset, partially invoice payment amount requires admin to bank in back to the member manually.

Selected transaction will change to “Refunded” after refunding successful.

Process Flow: #
Payment Refund Using Back Office System #
  1. Login admin account in the Back Office System
  2. Click ‘Manage’ on the left side
  3. Select ‘Clients’ on the top
  4. Select a client profile
  5. Click ‘Transaction’ tab
  6. Transaction status
    1. Failed, hide ‘refund’ button and not able to refund
    2. Success, continue step 7
  7. Transaction type
    1. Not payment, hide ‘refund’ button and not able to refund
    2. Have payment, display ‘refund’ button
  8. Click ‘refund’ button, to proceed refund
  9. Fill in the refund information
  10. Click ‘refund’
  11. Mandatory field is empty
    1. Yes, display error message, unable to refund, continue step 9 again
    2. No, continue step 12
  12. Payment method: credit card
    1. Yes, send request to 3rd party for refund process and continue step 13
    2. No, continue step 14
  13. Get the refund response from 3rd party and full refund successful, continue step 15
  14. Approve refund via bank transfer
    1. Yes, fully refund successful, continue step 15
    2. No, continue step 16
  15. Status of refund transaction changed to ‘Success’ and status of payment transaction change to ‘refunded’
  16. Rejected refund via bank transfer
    1. No, pending refund, status of refund transaction remains as ‘pending’
    2. Yes, refund failed, status of refund transaction change to ‘failed’

Upfront Payment #

An upfront payment feature to allow admin can help members to make the payment in advance.

The system will create invoice for upfront payment after user clicks the “Pay” button.

The system will cancel subscription after upfront payment is successful.

The system will not extend the Package period if upfront payment is failed.

User able to pay by “Credit Card”, “Existing Credit Card” and “Bank Transfer”.

Process Flow: #
Upfront Payment Using Back Office System #
  1. Login admin account in the Back Office System
  2. Click ‘Manage’ on the left side
  3. Select ‘Clients’ on the top
  4. Select a client profile and click ‘View’ button
  5. Select a package
  6. Click ‘Upfront Payment’ button
  7. Extend end date
    1. Yes, continue step 8
    2. No, continue step 9
  8. Edit the end date
    1. No, display default extended end date and continue step 9
    2. Yes, select how many extending month(s) and continue step 9
  9. Edit the price
    1. No, display default total price to be paid
    2. Yes, display the price to be paid
  10. Click ‘Pay’ button
  11. Create invoice
  12. Make payment
  13. Upfront payment
    1. No success, continue step 14
    2. Success, continue step 15
  14. Recurring package
    1. No
    2. Yes, remain recurring payment (remain subscription)
  15. Recurring package
    1. No
    2. Yes, cancel subscription             
Upfront Payment Using Sales Application #
  1. Login sales account in the Sales App
  2. Select ‘Clients’ on the bottom
  3. Select one of the clients
  4. Select package
  5. Click ‘Upfront Payment’ button
  6. Extend end date
    1. Yes, continue step 7
    2. No, continue step 8
  7. Edit the end date
    1. No, display default extended end date and continue step 8
    2. Yes, select how many extending month(s) and continue step 8
  8. Edit the price
    1. No, display default total price to be paid
    2. Yes, display the price to be paid
  9. Click ‘Pay’ button
  10. Create invoice
  11. Make payment
  12. Upfront payment
    1. No success, continue step 14
    2. Success, continue step 15
  13. Recurring package
    1. No
    2. Yes, remain recurring payment (remain subscription)
  14. Recurring package
    1. No
    2. Yes, cancel subscription

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