
Staff #

This is the tab that you can create account for all the staff.

Different staff have different role, you can classify staff’s access by select different access control list (role name).

You need to create ‘Role Management’ then only can success create/add staff.

Every staff able to view all LEAD and CLIENTS in the Back Office System.

Process Flow: #
Create Staff Using Back Office System #
  1. Login admin account in the Back Office System
  2. Click ‘User’ on the left side
  3. Select ‘Staff’ on the top
  4. Click ‘Add Staff’ on the right side
  5. Fill in the user information accordingly
  6. Click ‘Save’ button after done
  7. The user will be show in the system
** You may view, edit, change password, add/edit payment method and delete the user which created

HQ User #

This is the tab that you can create account for the staff which is HQ staff that able to access master franchise and sub franchise.

Process Flow: #
Create Staff Using Back Office System #
  1. Login admin account in the Back Office System
  2. Click ‘User’ on the left side
  3. Select ‘HQ User’ on the top
  4. Click ‘Add HQ User’ on the right side
  5. Fill in the user information accordingly
  6. Click ‘Save’ button after done
  7. The user will be show in the system

Role Management #

To differentiate every staff’s role, you can create role management. Different role management can set different access control.

Is a must to create role management then only can success create a staff.

Access Control List: #
Company Management #
  1. View Franchise: able view company information
  2. Create Franchise: able create sub company
  3. Update Franchise: able update company information
  4. Manage Product Orders: able manage product orderes
  5. Export Franchise: able export company information


Member Management #
  1. View Lead: able view lead data
  2. Create Lead: able create new lead
  3. Update Lead: able update lead data
  4. Manage Lead’s Programme: able manage programme which assign to lead
  5. View Client: able view client data
  6. Update Client: able update client data
  7. Manage Client’s Progamme: able manage programme which assign to client
  8. View Client’s Transaction: able view transaction record in client’s profile
  9. View Client’s Activity: able view activity record in client’s profile
  10. View Client’s Facilities Access: able view facilities access in client’s profile
  11. View Client’s Card: able view card information (last 4 digits) in client’s profile
  12. Create & Delete Client’s Card: able create or delete client’s card
  13. Update Default Payment: able update default payment in client’s profile
  14. Create Vaccination Certificate: able create vaccination certificate in client’s profile
  15. View Vaccination Certificate: able view vaccination certificate in client’s profile
  16. Delete Vaccination Certificate: able delete vaccination certificate in client’s profile
  17. Approve/Reject Vaccination Certificate: able approve or reject vaccination certificate in client’s profile
  18. Pay Programme: able proceed payment when assign programme to client
  19. Manage Termination: able manage termination process
  20. Manage Custom Charge: able manage custom charge process
  21. Send Termination Document: able send termination document when proceed
  22. Approve or Reject Termination: able approve or reject termination in client’s profile
  23. Create Upfront Payment: able create upfront payment
  24. Repay Invoice: able repay for the failed transaction invoice
  25. Cancel Invoice: able cancel invoice
  26. Refund Invoice: able proceed refund for the invoice
  27. Cancel Programme: able cancel programme after assign to client or lead
  28. Approve or Reject Cancellation: able approve or reject cancellation of programme
  29. Add Session History: able add session history
  30. Edit Session History: able edit session history
  31. Delete Session History: able delete session history
  32. View Session History: able view session history
  33. Edit Session: able edit session after assign the programme assign to client
  34. View Session: able to view session
  35. Change Member Password: able change member password
  36. Export Client: able export client data from the system
  37. Export Lead: able export lead data from the system
  38. Download Client’s Transaction Receipt: able download client’s transaction from system


Package Management #
  1. View Programme: able view programme
  2. Create Programme: able create new programme
  3. Update Programme: able update programme information
  4. Start Programme Without Payment: able start programme without payment when assign the programme to client
  5. Edit Programme Date: able edit programme date after assign
  6. Approve Edit Programme Date: able approve edit programme date request
  7. Export Programme: able export programme data
  8. Create Suspension: able create suspension for the programme
  9. Cancel Scheduled Suspension: able cancel scheduled suspension in client’s profile
  10. Resume Suspension: able manual resume suspension before the actual resume date


Transaction Management (Bank Transfer) #
  1. View Transaction: able view the bank transfer transaction
  2. Approve/Reject Transaction: able approve or reject bank transfer transaction
  3. Create Refund Transaction: able create refund bank transfer transaction
  4. Export Bank Transfer Record: able export bank transfer record


Staff Management #
  1. View HQ User: able view HQ user profile
  2. Create HQ User: able create HQ user profile
  3. Update HQ User: able update HQ user profile
  4. Change HQ User’s Password: able change HQ user’s password
  5. View Franchise User: able view company user profile (staff profile)
  6. Create Franchise User: ablecreate company user profile (staff profile)
  7. Update Franchise User: able update company user profile (staff profile)
  8. Change Franchise’s User Password: able change company’s user password
  9. View Role: able view role in role management tab
  10. Create Role: able create role in role management tab
  11. Update Role: able update role in role management tab
  12. Update Payment Details: able update payment details
  13. View Payment Details: able view payment details
  14. Create CPR Certificate: able create/add CPR certificate
  15. View CPR Certificate: able view CPR certificate
  16. Delete CPR Certificate: able delete CPR certificate
  17. Approve/Reject CPR Certificate: able approve/reject CPR certificate after staff upload the CPR certificate
  18. Create Vaccination Certificate: able create/add vaccination certificate
  19. View Vaccination Certificate: able view vaccination certificate
  20. Delete Vaccination Certificate: able delete vaccination certificate
  21. Approve/Reject Vaccination Certificate: able approve/reject vaccination certificate after staff upload the CPR certificate
  22. Update Payment Method: able update the payment method
  23. Export Franchise User: able export company user data
  24. Export HQ User: able export HQ user data


Settings #
  1. View Terms & Conditions: able view terms and conditions
  2. Create Terms & Conditions: able create terms and conditions
  3. Update Terms & Conditions: able update terms and conditions
  4. View Commission Plan: able view commission plan
  5. Create Commission Plan: able create commission plan for the staff
  6. Update Commission Plan: able update commission plan
  7. Manage Sales Material: able manage sales material, it will be show in sales app
  8. Update Schedule: able update schedule
  9. Update Currency: able update currency for the system
  10. View SSID: able view SSID
  11. Create SSID: able create SSID
  12. Update SSID: able update SSID
  13. Reset Facility Account Password: able reset facility account password
  14. View Configuration Setup: able view configuration setup
  15. Create Configuration Setup: able create configuration setup
  16. Update Configuration Setup: able update configuration setup
  17. Delete Configuration Setup: able delete configuration setup
  18. View General Setup: able view general setup
  19. Update General Setup: able update general setup
  20. Export Program Terms & Conditions: able export program terms and conditions data
  21. Export Legal Documents: able export legal documents data
  22. Export Commission Plan: able export commission plan data
  23. Export Remuneration Setups: able export remuneration setups data


Broadcast #
  1. View News: able view news
  2. Create News: able create news
  3. Update News: able update news
  4. View Push Notification; able view push notification
  5. Create Push Notification: able create push notification
  6. Update Push Notification: able udpate push notification
  7. View Email: able view email
  8. Create Email: able create email
  9. Update Email: able update email
  10. Export News: able export news data
  11. Export Push Notifications: able export push notifications data
  12. Export Email Templates: able export email templates data


Shift Management #
  1. View Shift: able view shift information
  2. Create Shift: able create shift
  3. Update Shift: able update the shift
  4. Publish Shift: able publish shift after create shift
  5. Reserve Shift: able reserve shift
  6. Approve Shift Cancel Request: able approve shift cancel request
  7. View Timesheet: able view the timesheet
  8. Update Shift: able update the shift data
  9. Approve or reject Shift: able approve or reject shift after staff select shift by themselves


Timesheet Invoice Management #
  1. View Timesheet Invoice: able view timesheet invoice
  2. Update Timesheet Invoice: able update the timesheet invoice
  3. Download Timesheet Invoice PDF: able download timesheet invoice data in PDF
  4. Export Timesheet Invoice CSV: able export timesheet invoice CSV


Class #
  1. Create Class: able create class
  2. Update Class: able update class details
  3. View Class: able view class
  4. Delete Class: able delete class
  5. Export Class: able export class data


Process Flow: #
Create Role Management Using Back Office System #
  1. Login admin account in the Back Office System
  2. Click ‘User’ on the left side
  3. Select ‘Role Management’ on the top
  4. Click ‘Add Role’ on the right side
  5. Fill in the access control to be given to staff according to the positions
    1. Role name
    2. Company
    3. Access Control List:
      1. Company Management
      2. Member Management
      3. Package Management
      4. Transaction Management (Bank Transfer)
      5. Staff Management
      6. Settings
      7. Broadcast
      8. Shift Management
      9. Timesheet Invoice Management
      10. Class
  6. Click ‘Save’ button after done
  7. The role will be show in the system

**You may view, edit, and delete the role which created.

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