
Edit Questionnaire #

Admin able edit, delete, view, and add the questionnaire for company.

Admin able to:

  • add the questionnaire form.
  • add the questionnaire for each form.
  • edit the questionnaire for each “unpublish” form.
  • delete the questionnaire for each “unpublish” form.
  • view the questionnaire form and questionnaire.
  • not be able to edit, delete or add for “published” form.

Only one (1) form will be active status. 

By default, questionnaire form for Membership Suite: Empty, and hide the tab under client profile.

Process Flow: #
Edit Questionnaire Using Back Office System #
  1. Login to the Back Office System
  2. Click ‘Setting’ on the left side
  3. Click ‘Questionnaire Module’ tab
  4. Any existing questionnaire
    1. No, continue step 4 for create new questionnaire
    2. Yes, continue step 4 for create new questionnaire; continue step 5 for edit the existing questionnaire
  5. Click ‘Create’ button to create new questionnaire
  6. Click ‘Edit’ button to edit the existing questionnaire
  7. Click ‘Save’ button after done step 4 or step 5

**If the existing questionnaire still active, but the new questionnaire is inactive. You need to set the existing questionnaire to inactive.

View And Edit Questionnaire Using Sales Application #
  1. Login to the Sales App
  2. Click ‘Questionnaire Module’ tab
  3. Any existing questionnaire
    1. No
    2. Yes, continue step 4 for display questionnaires listing
  4. Click ‘Edit’ button for input answers, continue step 6
  5. Click ‘View’ button for view the questionnaires
    1. Attempted before: will display the selected questionnaire with answer
    2. No attempted before: input answers
  6. Click ‘Save’ button after done input answers

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