Shift Management

Shift Management Layout #

Figure: Display different types of colors to represent the shift status.


Shift Management #

Admin able to update the shift status of the staff.

Admin able to assign the shift for the staff.

Admin able to create the shift for the staff.

Admin able to publish the shift.

Staff also able to select the shift that publish by admin.

When staff select the shift, staff will need to wait for the admin to approve the request.

Process Flow: #
Display Staff in Shift Management Using Back Office System #
  1. Login admin account in the Back Office System
  2. Click ‘User’ button on the left side
  3. Click ‘Staff’ tab
  4. Click ‘Add User’ button on the right side
  5. Fill in the user/staff information
  6. Click ‘Save’ button after done
  7. Mandatory filed is fill
    1. No, display error message and unable save, fill in again follow step 5
    2. Yes, save successful
  8. Able access shift manages
  9. Display the created staff

Update Shift Management #

Trainer admin can check-in the shift on behalf of the staff to help trainers from forgetting to check-in.

Display a change request popover that allows “Trainer Admin” to approve or reject. Timesheet will display an indicator when change request is requested by staff. “Trainer Admin” will receive an email after staff submitted the change request.

Back Office will display a popover for “Trainer Admin” approve or reject change request after admin selected the staff. Content of the change request popover is not updateable, “Trainer Admin” only able to approve and reject. Staff will receive a notification after admin approved the change request.

Staff only allows to update “previous” shift and “current” shift” with the following status:

  • Approval
  • Absent
  • Late

Staff is not allowing to update “future” shift.

Process Flow: #
Update Shift Using Back Office System #
  1. Login admin account in the Back Office System
  2. Select shift
    1. Yes, future date, no action and stay in the timesheet page
    2. No, not future date, continue step 3
  3. Display a ‘Check-in’ popover
  4. Insert check-in time and check-out time
  5. Insert reason
  6. Click ‘Save’ after done checked in shift
  7. Save successful
  8. Updated the shift status and update the timesheet
  9. Send notification to staff
Approve and Reject Shift Change Request Using Back Office System #
  1. Login admin account in the Back Office System
  2. Select shift
  3. Shift with indicator
    1. No, no action
    2. Yes, display ‘Shift” change request popover
  4. Approve the shift change
    1. No, stay in the timesheet page
    2. Yes, approve shift change
  5. Updated the shift status and update the timesheet
  6. Send notification to staff
Update Shift Using Staff Application #
  1. Login admin account in the Staff App
  2. Select shift
    1. Yes, future date, no action and stay in the Home/Calendar Page
    2. No, not future date, continue step 3
  3. Display a ‘Check-in’ popover
  4. Insert check-in time and check-out time
  5. Insert reason
  6. Click ‘Save’ after done checked in shift
  7. Save successful
  8. Trigger and send shift change email to configured email

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