Lead and Client Management

Lead and Client Management #

A module to manage information of leads and clients such as profile, activities, package etc.

Create a Lead #

To create a lead, you can use Back Office System or Sales Application.

Lead is a person who might be a prospect user or trial person.

  • Functionality of leads are
    • Profile
    • Package (Trial ONLY)
    • Transactions
    • Activity
    • Cards
    • Documents
    • Vaccination Certificate
Process Flow: #
Create Lead Using Back Office System #
  1. Login admin account in the Back Office System
  2. Click ‘Manage’ on the left side
  3. Select ‘Leads’ on the top
  4. Click ‘Add Leads’
  5. Fill in the lead information accordingly
  6. Click ‘Save’ after completing
Create Lead Using Sales Application #
  1. Login Sales Person account in the Sales/Team App
  2. Click ‘Clients’ button at the bottom
  3. Select ‘Leads’ on the top
  4. Click ‘Add Leads’
  5. Fill in the lead information accordingly
  6. Click ‘Next Step’ button
  7. Fill in questionnaire and franchise goal plan
  8. Click ‘Next Step’ button
  9. Skip ‘select package’ step
  10. Click ‘Next Step’ button
  11. Confirm the payment summary with the client
  12. Let client view T&C and sign the package
  13. Click ‘Submit’ after done

Turn a Lead become Client #

To create a client, you can use Back Office System or Sales Application.

Client is a person who confirm want to join the company as a member with membership.

Once the customer turn lead become client only able to login to the Member Application.

  • Functionality of clients are
    • Profile
    • Package (Membership and Trial)
    • Transactions
    • Activity
    • Club Access
    • Card Documents
    • Vaccination Certificate

You may direct create client when register a lead; you also can create lead first, when lead confirm join as member only turn lead become client by add a package for client.

Process Flow: #
Create Client Using Sales Application #

During create ‘client’ will be assign a membership according client’s selection

  1. Login Sales Person account in the Sales/Team App
  2. Click ‘Clients’ button at the bottom
  3. Select ‘Leads’ on the top
  4. Click ‘Add Leads’
  5. Fill in the lead/client information accordingly
  6. Click ‘Next Step’ button
  7. Fill in questionnaire and franchise goal plan
  8. Click ‘Next Step’ button
  9. Select a package for the client
  10. Click ‘Next Step’ button
  11. Confirm the payment summary with the client
  12. Let client view T&C and sign the package
  13. Click ‘Submit’ after done
Turn Lead Become Client Using Back Office System #
  1. Login admin account in the Back Office System
  2. Click ‘Manage’ on the left side
  3. Click ‘View’  on the right side of the lead’s name
  4. Click ‘Add Packages’ button
  5. Fill in the details of the package
  6. Click ‘Pay’ button after done


  1. Login admin account in the Back Office System
  2. Click ‘Manage’ on the left side
  3. Click ‘Assign Package’ on the right side of the lead’s name
  4. Fill in the details of the package
  5. Click ‘Pay’ button after done
Turn Lead Become Client Using Sales Application #

Sales Person also can assist lead turn lead/trail to client

  1. Click ‘Clients’ button at the bottom
  2. Select ‘Leads’ on the top
  3. Select leads name that want to become membership
  4. Click on the empty space of the lead’s column
  5. Select a package for the lead
  6. Click ‘Next Step’ button
  7. Confirm the payment summary with the client
  8. Let client view T&C and sign the package
  9. Click ‘Submit’ after done

If you had click ‘Pay’ for the package, the customer’s profile remains in lead tab, you can check the payment method that you used.

Pay by Credit Card (direct charge from the system) #

Customer’s profile will direct change to client (The package assign cannot be trail package)

Pay by Bank Transfer #

If you use bank transfer as payment method, you need to approve the payment. (The package assign cannot be trail package)

Process Flow: #
Approve Or Reject Bank Transfer Using Back Office System #
  1. Login admin account in the Back Office System
  2. Click ‘Manage’ on the left side
  3. Select ‘Bank Transfer’ on the top tab
  4. Check payment of the bank transfer
  5. Click ‘Approve or Reject’ button to confirm the payment
  6. After approving the payment, the payment status will change to charge
Pay by Cash #

Customer’s profile will direct change to client (The package assign cannot be trail package)

If you had approved the payment method (bank transfer) / pay the package, the customer’s profile remains in lead tab, you can check the package that you had assigned.

For the trail package: #
  1. After assigning this package to customer, the customer profile still will remain in the lead tab. Unless the customer has more than 1 package, and the package is not trail package.
  2. This trail package will show in the member application to let client to sign up for the package.
For the private package: #
  1. After assigning this package to customer, the customer profile will show in the client tab.
  2. This private package will no show in the member application.
  3. This private package only Sales Person or admin can assign to the customer.
For the normal package (untick trail and private at the package details): #
  1. After assigning this package to customer, the customer profile will show in the client tab.
  2. This package will show in the member application to let client to sign up for the package by themselves.

For your information, if you have assigned the package to the client. Once you edit the package, it won’t affect the package that you had assign.

Membership Identity Number (Membership ID) #

Membership Identity Number can let admin can know which Membership Identity Number belong to the member.

All Membership Identity Number is a unique number for each account, and it will not change. Membership Identity Number is show at below the profile picture of every member.

Emergency Contact Information #

The purpose to fill in emergency contact is to get in touch with the person in an emergency. Member able to add ’emergency contact information’ thru Member Application.

Besides that, member able fill ’emergency contact information’ when create a client profile by admin or Sales Person.

Process Flow: #
Add/Edit Emergency Contact Using Back Office System #
  1. Login admin account in the Back Office System
  2. Click ‘Manage’ on the left side
  3. Select ‘Leads’/’Clients’ on the top
  4. Select a lead/client and click ‘Edit’ button
  5. Fill in the emergency contact information at the ‘Emergency Contact’ column
  6. Last, Click ‘Save’ after done
Add Emergency Contact Using Back Office System #
  • Login admin account in the Back Office System
  • Click ‘Manage’ on the left side
  • Select ‘Leads’ on the top
  • Click ‘Add Leads’
  • Fill in the emergency contact information at the ‘Emergency Contact’ column
  • Click ‘Save’ after done
Edit Profile with Emergency Contact Using Sales Application #
  • Login sales account in the Sales App
  • Select ‘Leads’/’Clients’ on the top
  • Select a lead/client and click ‘Edit’
  • Fill in the emergency contact information at the ‘Emergency Contact’ column
  • Click ‘Save’ after done
Add User Profile with Emergency Contact Using Sales Application #
  • Login sales account in the Sales App
  • Manage profile
  • Click ‘Add Leads’
  • Fill in the emergency contact information at the ‘Emergency Contact’ column
  • Click ‘Save’ after done
Edit User Profile with Emergency Contact Using Member Application #
  • Login member account in the Member App
  • Click ‘Account’ on the bottom
  • Click ‘Edit’ to edit profile
  • Click ‘Save’ after done

Forget Password #

Sometimes clients/lead will forget their password. There have 2 ways to change the password.

Process Flow: #
Direct Click Forget Password Using Member Application #
  1. Click Member Application
  2. Click the “Forget Password” button
  3. Key in “email” and click “Request OTP”
  4. Check email inbox to get the One-time password
  5. Key in “One-time password”
Change Password Using Back Office (Assist By Staff) #
  1. Approached to the company staff
  2. Ask staff (Admin) to assist change password
  3. Login admin account in the Back Office System
  4. Click ‘Manage’ on the left side
  5. Select ‘Leads’/’Clients’ on the top
  6. Search ‘Leads’/’Clients’ name
  7. Click ‘Change Password’ button
  8. Fill in new password (simple password)
  9. Click ‘Save’ after done
  10. Advise ‘Leads’/’Clients’ to change the safety password

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